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My name is Sean 

This is my most recent selfie: 

A Christian Guy

Wouldn’t you imagine that someone with such a huge noggin would be very thoughtful? LOL


Hello and thanks for stopping by.  ALL are welcome here, and posts will be moderated only as they apply to spam or foul, or possibly offensive language.  Otherwise, post away!  I’ll be glad to hear from some other Christians regarding their thoughts on the topics posted here.

I will most likely post between 1-3 per day or as few as 1/week.  Depends on time constraints and some personal scheduling issues.  I am retired and have a good bit of free time, but I also tend to have frequent appointments to attend….no, not because I’m “old” lol, just because I am disabled and have to see doctors for stuff.


  • 44 Years Old
  • Married to beautiful wife of almost 25 years, and the father of 2 wonderful children
  • Hobbies:  You are looking at one of them now! Web stuff!  LOL.  I enjoy about anything to do with “tech,” especially gadgets like my iPhone 5S, iPad Mini 32GB Retina, etc.  
  • I do a good bit of reading ON THE NET about topics that interest me, ranging from medical stuff on WebMD, Christian research, Legislative actions/Politics, and of course, more tech stuff–I like to spec out and price custom computer configurations sometimes (Egghead, I know)
  • I am definitely pro-2nd Amendment, and consider myself an activist for the citizens of America to maintain their right to “Keep and Bear.”  This is mostly resultant of a lifetime of shooting and hunting…but PLEASE don’t mistake me for a “gun nut!”  I’m just another citizen who is using his voice on the ‘net for a cause I feel is just…
  • Okies, now, since the “last shall be first,”  I am putting this bullet last— I am, first and foremost, a Christian.  I may disclose my “denomination” at some point, but currently I do not think it matters.  As far as “doctrine” goes, MY doctrine starts in Genesis and ends on the last page of Revelation.  (Note I didn’t mistakenly call it “Revelations”…as do many people…it is ONE revelation to John, not multiple revelations, hence the name of the book, as you hopefully already know <grin>)

That’s it for the intro. Will post something that will hopefully be more interesting for you here in a bit.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

IF you want to see my actual website, which focuses on gun laws, the URL is:

http://www.gunrightsdaytonohio.org  It is also a blogging type site…